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WANTED poster: The vile extremists who voted AGAINST universal background checks



  • Have you seen these vile extremists who voted AGAINST univ bgd checks?
  • Hoarding NRA dollars while KIDS pay with their lives
  • It doesn’t have to be this way… Vote the TRASH out of Congress

Download and share your high-resolution version of this poster.

#gunsense #2a #NeverAgain #GOP #NRA

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5 #Gunsense New Year Resolutions

Some of you reading this will have been fighting for #gunsense and commonsense gun laws for some time. Some will have just joined the fight. Welcome to everyone.

Some of you will have always been ‘political’. For some of you this will be the first time you’re getting directly involved in a political movement. We are all cynical about politicians and Congress, but something has made you take that decision to say “I MUST ACT”.

Perhaps the 6-year-olds murdered at Newtown was your defining moment. Perhaps you or a loved one have been directly affected by gun violence. Perhaps you are fed up with people telling you that thousands and thousands of Americans dying each year is just “collateral damage” and a “new normal”. Perhaps you are a gun owner who knows that commonsense regulation is needed and are fed up with the NRA’s extremist stance.

You are right not to accept this situation. You are right to no longer stay silent. You are right to take action. You are right to push your politicians.

Without you, the field is left to the special interests and lobbying firms of the gun industry.

Without you, the field is left to those who spread misinformation, fear and paranoia with the sole purpose of making more money from selling guns to whomever they can get away with.

Without you, more children and teenagers will die needlessly.

Without you, more children will cower in lockdown bathrooms, terrified as they cram themselves in during a living nightmare.

Without you, more women will be subjected to deadly domestic abuse.

Without you, America will continue to head to a very dark place.

But with you, things CAN and WILL change for the better.

Make THIS YEAR the year when you take real and meaningful action.

Here are 5 #Gunsense New Year Resolutions – how many can you commit to and follow through on?

  1. I will contact my Senator(s) and State Senator(s) at least THREE times this year and demand that they support commonsense gun laws (such as the “Big Ten”).
  2. I will engage at least THREE friends or family members who currently do not support commonsense gun laws but who I think can be persuaded when given the facts.
  3. I will make a financial contribution this year to an organization lobbying for commonsense gun laws (Unfortunately money really does matter when pushing politicians).
  4. If I have children, I will ask THREE fellow families if they have guns in the home and, if so, how they are stored.
  5. I will encourage at least FIVE friends or acquaintances to take meaningful action this year (either by telling them about my actions or sharing these #gunsense resolutions).

These resolutions are all real and effective steps you can take this year to Continue reading

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How the NRA silences its own members:

  • 74% of NRA members SUPPORT universal background checks
  • The NRA leadership OPPOSES
  • How is this possible?


  • The NRA DENIES a vote to 70% of its members
  • Turnout is very low among those allowed to vote, FAVORING EXTREMISTS


NRA Board is voted for by just 2% of members

“We’ll take your money, but we don’t trust you to vote



Follow @usgunviolence6


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The @NRA’s Christmas Card – Terrorizing American Families for over 35 years


Stand Your Ground This Christmas

The NRA – Terrorizing American Families for over 35 years

#NRA #SandyHook #Newtown #gunindustry #EricGarner #TamirRice #JohnCrawford #MichaelBrown #Ferguson #FergusonDecision #alivewhileblack #BlackLivesMatter #CrimingWhileWhite #ICantBreathe #NotOneMore #gunsense #p2 #uniteblue

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Penalty for GUN trafficking and CHICKEN trafficking are the same – #GUNSENSE NOW




The penalty for GUN trafficking is the same as for trafficking CHICKENS across state lines.

Time for Congress to get its priorities right.


Follow @usgunviolence6


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Meet the founder of terrorist @NRA – Harlan Carter



Meet the Founder of the Terrorist @NRA in 1977 – HARLAN CARTER

  • Shot & killed a 15-year-old boy
  • Later denied the shooting
  • Led “Operation Wetback”
  • Said convicted felons & mentally ill should be allowed to buy guns as “a price we pay for freedom”

He created the extremist NRA of today, pushing lax laws causing 1000s of deaths.

It’s time to reclassify the NRA as a terrorist organization.

Follow @usgunviolence6


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Gun CEOS v Newtown Parents – Sandy Hook Anniversary

  • Gun CEOs boast of profits from ‘Sandy Hook bounce’
  • AT LEAST $739m+ sales surge since tragedy
  • Freedom Group, Smith & Wesson, and Sturm, Ruger proudly boast of profits
  • Each child killed at Sandy Hook = at least $36.9m to gun industry
  • Each victim killed at Sandy Hook = at least $28.4m to gun industry
  • Gun CEOs still REFUSING to proactively support gun safety laws and universal background checks

To see how these facts were determined, go to: http://bit.ly/1jZ6n0m

A very dynamic and exciting time for the industry
– James Debney, CEO, Smith & Wesson

There isn’t an industry in America that wouldn’t be thrilled and delighted to see their underlying demand grow 16% in a quarter
– Mike Fifer, CEO, Sturm, Ruger & Co

It’s inherently a dangerous product… it’s going to have a devastating effect on anything in its path“- George Kollitides, CEO, Freedom Group

I only did seven of the autopsies, the victims I had ranged from three to 11 wounds apiece
– Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, Chief Medical Officer

Liberty, of a person to own a high-powered magazine, is second to the right of my son to his life
– David Wheeler, Father of Ben

In the time it took to reload, 11 of the children were able to escape. Would my son be alive today?
– Nicole Hockley, Mother of Dylan

What happened in Newtown can happen in any town. In an instant, any mother in America can be in my shoes
– Nelba Marquez-Greene, Mother of Ana

Each child killed at Sandy Hook is worth at least $36.9m in extra sales to the Gun Industry

Isn’t it time we put children before profits?

Contact your Senator TODAY and demand commonsense gun safety laws


Follow @usgunviolence6


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Why #Gunbullies Will Fail to Silence Commonsense Gun Owners, Moms and Newtown Parents


In 2013 the extremism of #Gunbullies has hit a new high. This article reviews how they have tried to silence commonsense gun owners, Moms Demand Action, domestic abuse victims and even the Newtown parents – and why the #Gunbullies will ultimately fail.

#Gunbullies & Commonsense Gun Owners

In the December 2013 issue of Guns & Ammo magazine sanity and #gunsense broke out as Dick Metcalf wrote a column entitled “Let’s Talk Limits“. He was promptly fired along with the Editor of Guns & Ammo, after gun extremists attacked the publisher for daring to print a piece that promoted a commonsense conversation about gun safety. Continue reading

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  • SHOT IN THE USA: GUN VIOLENCE IN 2013” launched in January
  • The project has now published over 2,500 posts
  • Victims from January and February 2013 have been recorded so far
  • Site has received 34,500+ page views and 18,000+ visitors this year

SHOT IN THE USA: GUN VIOLENCE IN 2013” aims to log every victim of gun violence in the US in 2013, simply listing who they were (ideally with a photo), what happened and where. The project was launched in January 2013.

There are two reasons it was started. First, the sheer volume of violence combined with the local nature of our news coverage means it is too easy to simply ignore all the mayhem that goes on every day. People genuinely don’t know or, when they do partly know, have learned to tune it out and accept it as “normal” or the “cost of freedom”. Until we all understand the scale of the problem, it is hard to talk about solutions.

Second, the aim is to make sure the victims are front and center and we see that these are real things happening to real people. When faced with some of the actual events that are documented in this project, particularly the many that involve children and domestic violence, the hope is that everyone will start to question whether we really can just dismiss all those faces as “collateral damage”, as a price they have to pay so we can have easy access to guns.

At the start the plan foolishly was to log every time someone was shot. It quickly became apparent that there was barely time to keep up with all the people KILLED, let alone wounded. That is crazy in itself.

The sheer number of guns means that every day low-level disputes escalate into Continue reading

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  • $739m+ sales surge since tragedy
  • Freedom Group, Smith & Wesson, and Sturm, Ruger proudly boast of profits
  • Each child killed at Sandy Hook = at least $36.9m to gun industry
  • Each victim killed at Sandy Hook = at least $28.4m to gun industry

UPDATED: Figures updated to Dec 2013

To see how these facts were determined, access the original data here:


EVERY QUARTER since Newtown has seen RECORD SALES for Freedom Group, Smith & Wesson, and Sturm, Ruger when compared to every quarter before Newtown (as of July 31, 2013)

“It’s inherently a dangerous product… it’s going to have a devastating effect on anything in its path” – George Kollitides, CEO, Freedom Group Continue reading

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The Truth About Trayvon and George – A Personal Story


When I was 17 I went to stay at my uncle’s house. He lived in a mostly black neighborhood but people were friendly enough and I felt pretty at ease there as a white teenager. One night I went to the shop to get a drink and on my way back this black dude started following me. I looked over at him, he was creeping me out and then I just had this gut instinct and decided to run.

I thought I’d managed to lose him, but this guy suddenly reappeared. I realized I’d have to stand my ground (as my Dad had taught me) and so I punched him in the face (always get that first punch in). That stunned him but this black guy came back at me and a full-on fight started.

After grappling on the wet ground (it was raining) I managed Continue reading

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Betraying the Founding Fathers: How Scalia and the NRA Hacked the 2nd Amendment


The Second Amendment does not give Americans the right to keep a gun for personal self-defense or recreational use. Most people think it does, it’s often repeated by the gun lobby and of course Scalia & co. came to that conclusion, but that doesn’t make it true. Here is why:

The framing, Congress debate and drafting of the Second Amendment had the purpose of avoiding the tyranny of a standing army and ensuring states could maintain their own militias as a check against a national government. It is a military amendment and that is why debate at the First Congress focused on conscientious objector language and whether that could be used by a government to undermine the amendment.

The Second Amendment in fact only came about because Continue reading

The NRA inflicts death, trauma & grief on est. 38m Americans EVERY YEAR


Each year the NRA’s extremism inflicts death, trauma & grief on an estimated 38,989,278 Americans. More than the total population of California. Every single year.

#SandyHook #Newtown #gunsense #NRA #2a

The Two Races in America

b Müller

There are two races in America. The race I’m running is the 100m. It’s tiring (I didn’t bother training properly), it’s intense but if I keep hauling my bones along eventually I’ll get to the end. Even if I don’t, someone can probably help or carry me over the line. I’ll need to make a big effort, at the end I’ll be short of breath and exhausted, but I will have run the race.

But next to me there’s another race going on. From high above the stadium, in the TV blimp or police helicopter, both races look pretty much the same in a bird’s eye view. But come down closer until you can see the faces of the runners and feel the texture of the track: These two races are different.

The race next to me is the 110m hurdles. It is slightly longer. It is harder fought. It involves more skill and nerve to negotiate. If you hit the first hurdle and stumble, it hurts but you may stay on your feet. But hitting the second, third, fourth hurdle, at some point you may well be taken down and not be able to get up at all. By then you will be hurting and winded. You can’t breathe. By then the race is lost anyway. A few adept runners may be able to excel and get safely over all the hurdles, may be able to run that extra 10m to get to the finish line. But helping or carrying someone to the end of this race, hauling them over the hurdles, is a whole different proposition.

In one race the starter pistol starts the race. In the other it takes aim.

Back at the end of my race, the 100m, the runners (who all finished) are standing around. Most are silent as a few loudly run their mouths:
“Why is everyone talking about how hard the 110m hurdles is?”
“Our race was tough too!”
“We had to run hard!”
“We had to put effort in! Nobody did us any favors!”
“If they’re complaining so much why don’t they just come run this race? They’re just being lazy”
“If it will stop their complaining, let’s just reduce the number of hurdles from 10 to, say, 5!”

Or maybe everyone should be allowed to run the same race with the same rules and the same challenges.

#EricGarner #TamirRice #JohnCrawford #MichaelBrown #Ferguson #FergusonDecision #alivewhileblack #BlackLivesMatter #CrimingWhileWhite #ICantBreathe #NotOneMore #gunsense #p2 #uniteblue

TAKE ACTION – How YOU Can Push For The ” Big Ten” Gun Safety Measures



The only way our laws will change is if people like YOU put pressure on our politicians in the U.S. Congress and State Senates.

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1) Find out who your US Senators and Representative are at http://www.opencongress.org/people/zipcodelookup

Step 2) Find out who your State Senator is from the State Senate website in your state.

Step 3) If possible, coordinate with your neighbors and friends in the area and all make contact on the same day or in the same week.

Step 4) Call, email and/or write to each of your representatives and ask which of the “Big Ten” gun safety measures they support:

  1. Do you support universal background checks, including in private sales? If not, why not?
  2. Do you support an assault weapons ban? If not, why not?
  3. Do you support mandatory child safety locks on all guns? If not, why not?
  4. Do you support mandatory safe gun storage laws, particularly if a household contains a minor or person adjudicated mentally ill? If not, why not?
  5. Do you support repealing the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which prevents victims from holding the gun industry to account? If not, why not?
  6. Do you support limiting magazine sizes to ensure law enforcement are not outgunned? If not, why not?
  7. Do you support mandatory duty of states to report persons with mental health issues to the Federal background check system? If not, why not?
  8. Do you support mandatory liability insurance for all gun owners? If not, why not?
  9. Do you support mandatory reporting by gun owners of lost or stolen guns? If not, why not?
  10. Do you support Smart Gun technology to ensure only approved adults can fire a weapon, as soon as the technology is state-of-the-art? If not, why not?

Step 5) Note down the answers you receive, share them with people in your area and, if possible, publish them to the web. Use #gunsense if posting to Twitter.

Step 6) Attend in-person meetings with your representatives and demand that they support these commonsense gun safety measures.

Thanks for reading and keep working for commonsense gun laws in America.

Every single minute you commit to this fight will prevent more Americans from experiencing that terrifying minute when gun violence erupts.


Follow US Gun Violence and spread the message that “Strong Gun Laws Save Lives”.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/usgunviolence6

Facebook: www.facebook.com/usgunviolence

Killed – Man (Austin, TX)


Case: 2013-3651487

Date: December 31, 2013

Time: 11:49 p.m.

Location: 601 E. 15th St.

Deceased: 47 year old Black Male

Arrested: Jesus Rodriguez, Jr., Hispanic male, D.O.B. 11-3-81

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013, at approximately 11:49 p.m., Seton Hospital Security and Austin Police Officers responded to a disturbance outside of the University Medical Center at Brackenridge. Witnesses reported someone had been shot.

Officers arrived on scene and discovered the deceased lying on the ground with apparent gunshot wounds. Jesus Rodriguez, Jr. was seen running away from the victim after the shooting and was detained by officers. The subsequent investigation determined Rodriguez and the deceased were involved in a verbal disturbance prior to the shooting.

The incident has been ruled a homicide by the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Rodriguez has been charged with Murder, First Degree Felony. He is currently in custody at the Travis County Jail.



Killed – Man (Philadelphia, PA)


Around 11.30 p.m. Tuesday, an 18-year-old man was shot twice – once in the head and once in the chest – at 7th Street and Girard Avenue in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia, according to authorities.

The victim was transported to Temple University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 11:47 p.m., according to police.



Killed – Carlos Rueda (Rio Rancho, NM)


RIO RANCHO, N.M. —Police have made an arrest in a New Year’s Eve slaying in Rio Rancho.

Authorities with the Rio Rancho Police Department said they were called to a shooting in the 1600 block of Evelyn Drive NE about 10:40 p.m.

Police said this was a case of negligence. Officers told KOAT Action 7 News that Ryan Wathen, 20, picked up a gun without checking if it was loaded and then shot and killed his friend, Carlos Rueda, 22, during a party.

“The suspect did not make sure that the chamber was clear, that the gun was safe, before pulling the trigger,” Rio Rancho police Officer Janet Garcia said.

Investigators said Rueda, of Rio Rancho, suffered a gunshot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at a hospital.

A 911 caller reported that Rueda, an employee of Rio Rancho Archery and Armory, was shot about 10:30 p.m. in the bedroom of a house in the 1600 block of Evelyn Drive NE in Rio Rancho.

Wathen later told family member that he did not intentionally shoot Rueda, police wrote in the complaint.

Instead, Rueda asked Wathen to pick up a pistol that was lying next to a computer in the bedroom, the complaint said.

Rueda allegedly gave Wathen assurances that the pistol was unloaded and said, “don’t you trust me?” police wrote in the complaint.

Rueda told Wathen to point the pistol at Rueda’s head and pull the trigger, the complaint said.

After the gun discharged, Wathen dropped the pistol and ran from the house because he was scared, it states.









Killed – Jose Mendoza (Berwyn, IL)

Jose Mendoza1

Three suburban men were ordered held today after they were charged with committing a botched New Year’s Eve robbery that ended in the death of a Berwyn man.

Eddie Garcia, Salvador Alvarado and Jonathan Ivory each face first-degree murder and attempted robbery charges for the shooting death of 20-year-old Jose Mendoza, Assistant State’s Attorney Brooke Shupe said Sunday.

Ivory, 24, of Westchester, picked up Alvarado and Garcia on Dec. 31, she said.

The three smoked marijuana and talked about doing a robbery, according to Shupe.

Ivory drove the trio to the 2100 block of South Oak Park Avenue, near the Millennium Cutz barbershop, and dropped Garcia off, she said.

Garcia, 21, of Alsip, waited in a back alley for Mendoza, Shupe said, and attempted to rob him when he walked up at about 9:40 p.m.

A struggle, ensued, and Garcia shot Mendoza once in the chest, she said. He got no cash from Mendoza.

Mendoza, of the 2600 block of South East Avenue in Berwyn, was pronounced dead just after 11 p.m. on Dec. 31, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

Garcia fled to the getaway car after the shooting, but dropped his phone, the handgun’s clip and one of his shoes in the process, all of which were recovered by police, Shupe said.




Killed – Ashlee Walker (Oakland, CA)


OAKLAND — A 17-year-old boy has been charged with murder and will be prosecuted as an adult in the fatal shooting on New Year’s Eve of a 21-year-old woman in East Oakland, authorities said Tuesday.

Authorities said Dashawn Cooper is charged with killing Ashlee Walker, of Oakland, a college student and fast-food restaurant worker. She was shot while in a car with three other people who had stopped about 9:15 p.m. Dec. 31 in the 2000 block of 22nd Avenue to meet someone.

Cooper is also charged with three counts of attempted murder because there were other people in the car, none of whom were wounded.







Killed – Fernando Winters (Milwaukee, WI)


MILWAUKEE (WTAQ) – A Milwaukee father and son are charged in the murder of a man who refused to hand over $50 in a New Year’s Eve robbery attempt.

45-year-old Eric Hill was being held under a quarter-million dollar bond on charges of first-degree intentional homicide and attempted armed robbery. 25-year-old Deonte Hill is charged with felony murder, bail jumping, and illegally possessing a gun as a convicted felon. He’s under a $150,000 bond.

According to prosecutors, both Hills and 36-year-old Fernando Winters were at a northwest side hotel to collect money that a woman owed them. Eric Hill then allegedly tried robbing Winters of his $50 just outside the hotel. Prosecutors said Hill ended up shooting Winters twice, and never got his money.

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — He’s one of two people (a father and son) charged in connection with the final homicide of 2013, and now, he’s been sentenced in the case against him.

46-year-old Eric Hill faced two felony charges in the case: first degree intentional homicide and armed robbery.

Eric Hill on Thursday, October 9th was sentenced to life in prison on the first degree intentional homicide (with credit for 275 days served). He will be eligible for extended supervision after 32 years (in 2046).

On the armed robbery charge, Eric Hill was sentenced to 12 years in prison and seven years of extended supervision, to be served concurrently.

A criminal complaint filed against these two says police were dispatched to the area of 72nd and W. Appleton Avenue on the evening of December 31st. There, they spoke with Fernando Winters, who told them he had been shot in the chest by someone he had never seen before following an attempted robbery as he was walking home.







Killed – Vincent Rogers (Chicago, IL)


Vincent Rogers was shot and killed New Year’s Eve in the West Englewood neighborhood.

Rogers, 26, got into an argument with a person who walked up to him in the 7100 block of South Vincennes Avenue at 8:18 p.m., authorities said.

Rogers, 26, of the 7100 block of North Damen Avenue, was shot during the argument and died at the scene, authorities said.

Another man was shot on the same block about two minutes later.

The 23-year-old was shot in his hip and taken to Saint Bernard Hospital and Health Care Center, police said.

It’s unknown if those two shootings are related, police said.






Killed – Man (Cleveland, OH)


An unidentified man was found shot to death Tuesday on Cleveland’s East Side.

About 7:30 p.m., someone reported shots fired on the 6700 block of Bayliss Avenue, just north of Superior Avenue. Police found a man there with multiple gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead on the scene. He was a black man who looked be in his 30s. He has not been identified yet. His official cause of death will be determined by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s office.

The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Deshaun Carter.

Carter is wanted by the U.S. Marshals and the Cleveland Police for aggravated murder. It is alleged that on Dec. 31, 2013, Carter shot a man several times killing him. The murder took place near the 6700 block of Bayliss Ave. in Cleveland.




Mass Shooting – Wounded – Woman (Barberton, OH)


Two men have been arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve shooting deaths of a Barberton father and his two teenage children.

Michael Deon Hendon, 22, and Eric Donta Hendon, 30, both of Akron, were arrested Friday on three counts each of aggravated murder.

Additional charges, including a potential death penalty specification indictment, will be considered when the case is reviewed later this month by a Summit County grand jury.

The arrests came on the same day that John Kohler, the Barberton father whose home was targeted by armed robbers on New Year’s Eve, died of apparent gunshot wounds.

He was shot in the home invasion burglary that also claimed the life of his 18-year-old stepdaughter, Ashley Carpenter, and his son, David Kohler Carpenter, 14.

Kohler’s girlfriend, Ronda Blankenship, 38, survived the shooting and is recovering at an area hospital.

Autopsies this week showed that Ashley died of a single gunshot wound to the head. Her brother, David, died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head. He also suffered defensive wounds to his arms, reports show. They were found together in a back bedroom.

The haunting 911 call from a Barberton woman paints a picture of the aftermath of a shooting New Year’s Eve that left her and her boyfriend wounded and his two teenage children dead.

“Help, help,” a wounded Ronda Blankenship pleads to a dispatcher in the conversation released Thursday by Southwest Summit Communications. “I’m bleeding everywhere … my boyfriend is here. I have two kids here … Help, help, help. Oh God.”

The teens were visiting their father, John Kohler, 42, at his 7th Street Northeast home on New Year’s Eve.

His girlfriend, Rhonda Blankenship, 38, was also shot, but survived.

A call for help was made around 6:50 p.m.

AKRON, Ohio — One of two brothers accused of killing three people and shooting a fourth during a home invasion robbery in Barberton is mentally unfit for the death penalty, a judge ruled on Monday.

Michael Hendon, 23, of Akron, still faces aggravated murder charges in the Dec. 31, 2013 attack. Summit County Judge Amy Corrigal Jones ruled that Hendon mental disabilities barred him from being executed under state and federal laws.

Hendon is scheduled for a court hearing Tuesday to determine how the case will proceed.

Hendon and his brother, Eric Hendon, 32, are accused of breaking into a 7th Street S.W. home in order to steal drugs and money, according to police.




Father in Barberton Shooting Pronounced Dead








Mass Shooting – Killed – John Kohler (Barberton, OH)

John Kohler1

Two men have been arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve shooting deaths of a Barberton father and his two teenage children.

Michael Deon Hendon, 22, and Eric Donta Hendon, 30, both of Akron, were arrested Friday on three counts each of aggravated murder.

Additional charges, including a potential death penalty specification indictment, will be considered when the case is reviewed later this month by a Summit County grand jury.

The arrests came on the same day that John Kohler, the Barberton father whose home was targeted by armed robbers on New Year’s Eve, died of apparent gunshot wounds.

He was shot in the home invasion burglary that also claimed the life of his 18-year-old stepdaughter, Ashley Carpenter, and his son, David Kohler Carpenter, 14.

Kohler’s girlfriend, Ronda Blankenship, 38, survived the shooting and is recovering at an area hospital.

Autopsies this week showed that Ashley died of a single gunshot wound to the head. Her brother, David, died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head. He also suffered defensive wounds to his arms, reports show. They were found together in a back bedroom.

The haunting 911 call from a Barberton woman paints a picture of the aftermath of a shooting New Year’s Eve that left her and her boyfriend wounded and his two teenage children dead.

“Help, help,” a wounded Ronda Blankenship pleads to a dispatcher in the conversation released Thursday by Southwest Summit Communications. “I’m bleeding everywhere … my boyfriend is here. I have two kids here … Help, help, help. Oh God.”

The teens were visiting their father, John Kohler, 42, at his 7th Street Northeast home on New Year’s Eve.

His girlfriend, Rhonda Blankenship, 38, was also shot, but survived.

A call for help was made around 6:50 p.m.

AKRON, Ohio — One of two brothers accused of killing three people and shooting a fourth during a home invasion robbery in Barberton is mentally unfit for the death penalty, a judge ruled on Monday.

Michael Hendon, 23, of Akron, still faces aggravated murder charges in the Dec. 31, 2013 attack. Summit County Judge Amy Corrigal Jones ruled that Hendon mental disabilities barred him from being executed under state and federal laws.

Hendon is scheduled for a court hearing Tuesday to determine how the case will proceed.

Hendon and his brother, Eric Hendon, 32, are accused of breaking into a 7th Street S.W. home in order to steal drugs and money, according to police.




Father in Barberton Shooting Pronounced Dead








Mass Shooting – Killed – Ashley Carpenter (Barberton, OH)

Ashley Carpenter2

Two men have been arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve shooting deaths of a Barberton father and his two teenage children.

Michael Deon Hendon, 22, and Eric Donta Hendon, 30, both of Akron, were arrested Friday on three counts each of aggravated murder.

Additional charges, including a potential death penalty specification indictment, will be considered when the case is reviewed later this month by a Summit County grand jury.

The arrests came on the same day that John Kohler, the Barberton father whose home was targeted by armed robbers on New Year’s Eve, died of apparent gunshot wounds.

He was shot in the home invasion burglary that also claimed the life of his 18-year-old stepdaughter, Ashley Carpenter, and his son, David Kohler Carpenter, 14.

Kohler’s girlfriend, Ronda Blankenship, 38, survived the shooting and is recovering at an area hospital.

Autopsies this week showed that Ashley died of a single gunshot wound to the head. Her brother, David, died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head. He also suffered defensive wounds to his arms, reports show. They were found together in a back bedroom.

The haunting 911 call from a Barberton woman paints a picture of the aftermath of a shooting New Year’s Eve that left her and her boyfriend wounded and his two teenage children dead.

“Help, help,” a wounded Ronda Blankenship pleads to a dispatcher in the conversation released Thursday by Southwest Summit Communications. “I’m bleeding everywhere … my boyfriend is here. I have two kids here … Help, help, help. Oh God.”

The teens were visiting their father, John Kohler, 42, at his 7th Street Northeast home on New Year’s Eve.

His girlfriend, Rhonda Blankenship, 38, was also shot, but survived.

A call for help was made around 6:50 p.m.

AKRON, Ohio — One of two brothers accused of killing three people and shooting a fourth during a home invasion robbery in Barberton is mentally unfit for the death penalty, a judge ruled on Monday.

Michael Hendon, 23, of Akron, still faces aggravated murder charges in the Dec. 31, 2013 attack. Summit County Judge Amy Corrigal Jones ruled that Hendon mental disabilities barred him from being executed under state and federal laws.

Hendon is scheduled for a court hearing Tuesday to determine how the case will proceed.

Hendon and his brother, Eric Hendon, 32, are accused of breaking into a 7th Street S.W. home in order to steal drugs and money, according to police.




Father in Barberton Shooting Pronounced Dead








Mass Shooting – Killed – Male Teen – David Carpenter-Kohler (Barberton, OH)

Ashley Carpenter2

Two men have been arrested in connection with the New Year’s Eve shooting deaths of a Barberton father and his two teenage children.

Michael Deon Hendon, 22, and Eric Donta Hendon, 30, both of Akron, were arrested Friday on three counts each of aggravated murder.

Additional charges, including a potential death penalty specification indictment, will be considered when the case is reviewed later this month by a Summit County grand jury.

The arrests came on the same day that John Kohler, the Barberton father whose home was targeted by armed robbers on New Year’s Eve, died of apparent gunshot wounds.

He was shot in the home invasion burglary that also claimed the life of his 18-year-old stepdaughter, Ashley Carpenter, and his son, David Kohler Carpenter, 14.

Kohler’s girlfriend, Ronda Blankenship, 38, survived the shooting and is recovering at an area hospital.

Autopsies this week showed that Ashley died of a single gunshot wound to the head. Her brother, David, died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head. He also suffered defensive wounds to his arms, reports show. They were found together in a back bedroom.

The haunting 911 call from a Barberton woman paints a picture of the aftermath of a shooting New Year’s Eve that left her and her boyfriend wounded and his two teenage children dead.

“Help, help,” a wounded Ronda Blankenship pleads to a dispatcher in the conversation released Thursday by Southwest Summit Communications. “I’m bleeding everywhere … my boyfriend is here. I have two kids here … Help, help, help. Oh God.”

The teens were visiting their father, John Kohler, 42, at his 7th Street Northeast home on New Year’s Eve.

His girlfriend, Rhonda Blankenship, 38, was also shot, but survived.

A call for help was made around 6:50 p.m.

AKRON, Ohio — One of two brothers accused of killing three people and shooting a fourth during a home invasion robbery in Barberton is mentally unfit for the death penalty, a judge ruled on Monday.

Michael Hendon, 23, of Akron, still faces aggravated murder charges in the Dec. 31, 2013 attack. Summit County Judge Amy Corrigal Jones ruled that Hendon mental disabilities barred him from being executed under state and federal laws.

Hendon is scheduled for a court hearing Tuesday to determine how the case will proceed.

Hendon and his brother, Eric Hendon, 32, are accused of breaking into a 7th Street S.W. home in order to steal drugs and money, according to police.




Father in Barberton Shooting Pronounced Dead








Double Murder – Killed – Kenneth J Wilson (Hampton, VA)

Kenneth J Wilson

Two men are dead and a 16-year-old suspect is in custody following a shooting incident at the Woodland Skateboard Park this afternoon.

Officers were called to the park in the area of Woodland Road and Mercury Boulevard shortly before 4 p.m. and found the two victims. One died at the scene and the other was taken to a hospital, but died about an hour later, according to a Hampton police news release.

The victims were identified by police late tonight as Donivan K. Walker Jr., 21, of Hampton, and Kenneth J. Wilson, 20, of Hampton.

The shooting occurred after an altercation, said Cpl. Mary Shackelford, a police spokeswoman. The shooter left the park after the fight and returned a short time later with the firearm, the police news release said. Both men were shot and the shooter fled the scene on a moped.

At 4:06 p.m., Hampton police received a call about a stolen Jeep Liberty from the 1700 block of Newton Road. The suspect in the carjacking matched the description of the shooter at the park, police said. Less than 10 minutes later, the stolen vehicle was spotted in the area of Shelton and Grimes roads. There was a short vehicle pursuit that ended when the 16-year-old suspect from Hampton was taken into custody at the VA Medical Center about 4:20 p.m. without incident.

The identity of the suspect was not released by police because of his age. He was charged with first-degree murder, capital murder, grand larceny of a firearm, carjacking, felony evade and elude, possession of a firearm by a juvenile and three counts of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. He was being held at Newport News juvenile secure detention.






Double Murder – Killed – Donivan K Walker Jr. (Hampton, VA)

Donivan K Walker Jr.

Two men are dead and a 16-year-old suspect is in custody following a shooting incident at the Woodland Skateboard Park this afternoon.

Officers were called to the park in the area of Woodland Road and Mercury Boulevard shortly before 4 p.m. and found the two victims. One died at the scene and the other was taken to a hospital, but died about an hour later, according to a Hampton police news release.

The victims were identified by police late tonight as Donivan K. Walker Jr., 21, of Hampton, and Kenneth J. Wilson, 20, of Hampton.

The shooting occurred after an altercation, said Cpl. Mary Shackelford, a police spokeswoman. The shooter left the park after the fight and returned a short time later with the firearm, the police news release said. Both men were shot and the shooter fled the scene on a moped.

At 4:06 p.m., Hampton police received a call about a stolen Jeep Liberty from the 1700 block of Newton Road. The suspect in the carjacking matched the description of the shooter at the park, police said. Less than 10 minutes later, the stolen vehicle was spotted in the area of Shelton and Grimes roads. There was a short vehicle pursuit that ended when the 16-year-old suspect from Hampton was taken into custody at the VA Medical Center about 4:20 p.m. without incident.

The identity of the suspect was not released by police because of his age. He was charged with first-degree murder, capital murder, grand larceny of a firearm, carjacking, felony evade and elude, possession of a firearm by a juvenile and three counts of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. He was being held at Newport News juvenile secure detention.






Murder/Attempted Suicide – Wounded – Man (Indianapolis, IN)


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.—The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating a murder attempted suicide on Indianapolis’ south side Tuesday afternoon.

IMPD officers were dispatched to the 5800 block of South Madison Avenue on the report of a person shot just after 3 p.m. When officers arrived they found a 89-year-old man with suspected gunshot wound to the head. EMS personnel were notified and pronounced the subject deceased. In close proximity a second victim, 71, was located also suffering from what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the face.

It appeared the two men may have orchestrated the crime together. A suicide note was found at the scene.

“We don’t know who wrote the note but it does appear both of the individuals were corroborating with each other and planned the whole thing,” said Officer Christoper Wilburn of IMPD. “The individual left behind notes in the effect of the pain and suffering they wanted to end. They wanted to do it in a very public place.”

Person killed, another critically injured in south side murder attempted suicide




Murder/Attempted Suicide – Killed – Man (Indianapolis, IN)


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.—The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating a murder attempted suicide on Indianapolis’ south side Tuesday afternoon.

IMPD officers were dispatched to the 5800 block of South Madison Avenue on the report of a person shot just after 3 p.m. When officers arrived they found a 89-year-old man with suspected gunshot wound to the head. EMS personnel were notified and pronounced the subject deceased. In close proximity a second victim, 71, was located also suffering from what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the face.

It appeared the two men may have orchestrated the crime together. A suicide note was found at the scene.

“We don’t know who wrote the note but it does appear both of the individuals were corroborating with each other and planned the whole thing,” said Officer Christoper Wilburn of IMPD. “The individual left behind notes in the effect of the pain and suffering they wanted to end. They wanted to do it in a very public place.”

Person killed, another critically injured in south side murder attempted suicide




Killed – Frank Petro (Saltsburg, PA)

Frank Petro

A Saltsburg man accused in the New Year’s Eve slaying of an Indiana County gun shop owner may have shot himself in the thigh as part of a bizarre plan to cover up a $130,000 extortion, prosecutors said Thursday.

Indiana County District Attorney Patrick Dougherty said he may seek the death penalty against Jack O. Edmundson Jr., 43, who is recuperating from the gunshot wound in UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh under a 24-hour police guard.

Edmundson, a former police officer, is charged with shooting Frank S. Petro, 62, multiple times in Petro’s Tunnelton shop, Frank’s Gun & Taxidermy, about 1:30 p.m., state police said.

Authorities said the video showed 43-year-old Jack Edmundson Jr. shooting 62-year-old Frank Petro four times inside the shop using Petro’s gun. Edmundson was ordered to stand trial after a preliminary hearing Friday on charges including homicide, attempted arson and aggravated assault.

In an affidavit of probable cause, Trooper Robert Valyo said Edmundson tried to extort Petro of more than $120,000 in suspected illegal lottery winnings in October. Police wrote Edmundson was posing as an undercover detective investigating the illegal lottery ring and told Petro if he gave him the winnings, he wouldn’t criminally charge him.

“The tickets, from what we understand, appear to be legitimate tickets for different organizations. To the unwitting purchaser of the ticket, you have no reason to believe it’s not a valid ticket,” Dougherty said in January.

Officials confirm Edmundson was a detective in the Lancaster County area in the 1990s but was fired for stealing from evidence. Several officials confirm that he returned to the Indiana County area, where he one time worked as a deputy coroner and an officer for the Saltsburg Volunteer Fire Department. Officials also said he worked for various emergency medical services departments in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties.











Killed – William Heape Sr. (Colleton County, SC)


An elderly Hampton County man was accidentally shot and killed Tuesday morning while hunting in a wooded area off Mount Carmel Road near Walterboro.

William Heape, Sr., 67, of Varnville, was with of a group of people hunting deer when another hunter accidentally shot Heape, killing him.

Members of Colleton County Fire-Rescue and the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office were called to the scene at approximately 12:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Safety forces were required to drive approximately half a mile down a dirt road located off the 3500 block of Mount Carmel Road and then walk for another half-mile before arriving at the scene of the accidental shooting.







Double Murder – Killed – James Anderson (Camden, NJ)

James Anderson1

CAMDEN — Two people were shot and killed around midday Tuesday, bringing the city’s homicide count for the year to 57.

The victims, identified by authorities as 31-year-old Jorge Chavis and 23-year-old James Anderson, both of Camden, were shot around 12:15 p.m. on the 700 block of Division Street. Both victims were dead at the scene, according to authorities.










Double Murder – Killed – Jorge Chavis (Camden, NJ)

Jorge Chavis1

CAMDEN — Two people were shot and killed around midday Tuesday, bringing the city’s homicide count for the year to 57.

The victims, identified by authorities as 31-year-old Jorge Chavis and 23-year-old James Anderson, both of Camden, were shot around 12:15 p.m. on the 700 block of Division Street. Both victims were dead at the scene, according to authorities.










Killed – Dontae Hayes (Riverside, CA)


RIVERSIDE – A man fatally shot during an armed confrontation with Riverside police was identified today.

He was Dontae Hayes, 20, of Riverside, according to the Riverside County Coroner.

The shooting occurred when Hayes pulled a handgun after making contact with officers at Arlington Park, near Miller and Roosevelt streets, at 11:40 a.m., said Lt. Guy Toussant of the Riverside Police Department.

Toussant said officers decided to handcuff Hayes before questioning him, in an area adjacent to a children’s playground.

The mother of a man who Riverside police shot to death in Arlington Park on Dec. 31, 2013, is seeking at least $25,000 from the city.

Taffy Hayes, mother of Dontae Daveon Lewis Hayes, has filed a claim for damages with the city that alleges wrongful death and violation of civil rights.




Click to access 12-31-13_Press_Release_P13-186428_OIS.pdf



Click to access 12-31-13_Police_kill_man_who_pulled_gun_on_officers.pdf





Killed – Man (East Point, GA)


An East Point homeowner said he was protecting his home and family when he shot and killed an intruder Tuesday morning, police said.

About 9:30 a.m. the homeowner heard “a commotion, retrieved a firearm and went to investigate,” said Lt. Cliff Chandler, spokesman for East Point police. The shooting happened in the 3600 block of Mount Vernon Drive.

The suspected would-be burglar was armed with a shovel and had broken through a patio door in an attempt to enter the home, Chandler said. As the prowler entered the dwelling, the homeowner fired one shot, striking the intruder, police said.

The homeowner told Channel 2 Action News that he was in the basement when he heard someone breaking in upstairs. He said the intruder approached him with the shovel and “I had to do what I had to do to protect my house and my family.”

“The perpetrator fled and collapsed in the front yard,” Chandler said.





Double Shooting – Wounded – Woman (Columbus, GA)


Shots fired during a possible attempted burglary at a Veterans Parkway shopping center Tuesday has left one woman dead, one in critical condition and investigators searching for a third suspect, Columbus police said.

Police said Achievia Upshaw, 21, and Deaisa Ransom, 24, were shot at the Courtesy Shuttle at 5870 Veterans Parkway, just before the West Britt David Road intersection during a burglary attempt.

Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan said Upshaw was fatally shot in her lower back. She was pronounced dead at 8:21 a.m. at Midtown Medical Center, almost two hours after the 6:30 a.m. shooting. An autopsy on Upshaw’s body is scheduled for Thursday in Atlanta.

Ransom was in critical condition at the hospital. Police said she fled on foot from the scene toward the back-end of the nearby Brittwood Apartments.

Both women were shot near the business’ front door. A Courtesy Shuttle van, parked immediately facing the door, was towed away from the scene with a small bullet hole in its front windshield.

Police Lt. John McMichael said the shooter, a part-owner of the business with his fiancee, was inside sleeping when he “heard the crash of the glass breaking” and confronted the pair.

Someone threw a large object through the front door of the building. Police responded around 6:30 a.m. after the fiancée called 911, police said.

“(The women) were attempting a burglary of the business,” said Maj. Gene Hillhouse.

A black SUV was also involved, McMichael said; it was towed away from the scene along with the van.

Upshaw was fatally shot by business owner Kenneth Hayes while she allegedly attempted to burgle the business, reportedly accompanied by Xavius Donnell Table, 21, and Deaisa Ransom, 24.

During a Monday Recorder’s Court hearing, Sgt. Joseph Hart said Hayes told police he heard the sound of glass breaking during the burglary, and grabbed his Smith & Wesson hand gun to investigate. The part-owner saw one suspect in the store, but was unable to give a clear description of the suspect.








Double Shooting – Killed – Achievia Upshaw (Columbus, GA)

Achievia Upshaw1

Shots fired during a possible attempted burglary at a Veterans Parkway shopping center Tuesday has left one woman dead, one in critical condition and investigators searching for a third suspect, Columbus police said.

Police said Achievia Upshaw, 21, and Deaisa Ransom, 24, were shot at the Courtesy Shuttle at 5870 Veterans Parkway, just before the West Britt David Road intersection during a burglary attempt.

Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan said Upshaw was fatally shot in her lower back. She was pronounced dead at 8:21 a.m. at Midtown Medical Center, almost two hours after the 6:30 a.m. shooting. An autopsy on Upshaw’s body is scheduled for Thursday in Atlanta.

Ransom was in critical condition at the hospital. Police said she fled on foot from the scene toward the back-end of the nearby Brittwood Apartments.

Both women were shot near the business’ front door. A Courtesy Shuttle van, parked immediately facing the door, was towed away from the scene with a small bullet hole in its front windshield.

Police Lt. John McMichael said the shooter, a part-owner of the business with his fiancee, was inside sleeping when he “heard the crash of the glass breaking” and confronted the pair.

Someone threw a large object through the front door of the building. Police responded around 6:30 a.m. after the fiancée called 911, police said.

“(The women) were attempting a burglary of the business,” said Maj. Gene Hillhouse.

A black SUV was also involved, McMichael said; it was towed away from the scene along with the van.

Upshaw was fatally shot by business owner Kenneth Hayes while she allegedly attempted to burgle the business, reportedly accompanied by Xavius Donnell Table, 21, and Deaisa Ransom, 24.

During a Monday Recorder’s Court hearing, Sgt. Joseph Hart said Hayes told police he heard the sound of glass breaking during the burglary, and grabbed his Smith & Wesson hand gun to investigate. The part-owner saw one suspect in the store, but was unable to give a clear description of the suspect.








Double Murder/Suicide – Dead – Ricky Junior Toney (Louisburg, NC)

Ricky Junior Toney3

A preliminary autopsy report suggests that Ricky Junior Toney, one of the suspects in a Dec. 31 double homicide in Franklin County, died of a self-inflicted wound, according to Warren County Sheriff Johnny Williams.

Toney, 34, and his brother, Joey Lamont Kearney, 16, both of Franklin County, led law enforcement officers on a manhunt that covered areas of Franklin and Vance counties before ending in southwestern Warren County.

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was called to a residence on West River Road in Franklinton at 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 31 to the scene of what was believed to be a domestic dispute. According to the sheriff office’s report, there was no answer at the door when deputies arrived. Deputies were able to enter the residence through an unsecured door and found broken glass on the bedroom floor, blood pooling at the base of the bathroom door, and a mirror in the bathroom that appeared to have been shattered by a gunshot.

According to the report, the bodies of a woman and her teenage daughter were found in the bathroom. They later were identified as Akesia Michelle Toney, 37, Ricky Junior Toney’s estranged wife, and Brianna Nicole Jones, 16.

Deputies say the teen helped Toney killed his 37-year-old estranged wife and her 16-year-old daughter at their home in Louisburg early Tuesday morning. The chase started several hours later when Vance County deputies say they spotted Toney in his dead wife’s car.













Killed – Roger Dell Tant (Henderson, NC)

Double Shooting – Wounded – Man (Andover, MN)


ANDOVER, Minn. – Police say one person is dead and another is injured following a shooting in Andover early Tuesday morning.

Anoka County officials say they were called to a shooting incident in the 2200 block of 138th Lane NW just after 4 a.m. When officers arrived on the scene they found a 42-year-old man alive with gunshots wounds and a 43-year-old female dead with gunshot wounds.

Authorities say both individuals resided at the address and were relatively new to the area.

The man was taken to the hospital with what police describe as non life-threatening injuries.

Deputies from the sheriff’s office were dispatched 4:06 a.m. Dec. 31 to an Andover home on the 2200 block of 138th Lane NW on a 911 call of a shooting taking place.

There are no suspects being sought and the sheriff’s office does not believe there is any further threat to the general public.



Double Shooting – Killed – Woman (Andover, MN)


ANDOVER, Minn. – Police say one person is dead and another is injured following a shooting in Andover early Tuesday morning.

Anoka County officials say they were called to a shooting incident in the 2200 block of 138th Lane NW just after 4 a.m. When officers arrived on the scene they found a 42-year-old man alive with gunshots wounds and a 43-year-old female dead with gunshot wounds.

Authorities say both individuals resided at the address and were relatively new to the area.

The man was taken to the hospital with what police describe as non life-threatening injuries.

Deputies from the sheriff’s office were dispatched 4:06 a.m. Dec. 31 to an Andover home on the 2200 block of 138th Lane NW on a 911 call of a shooting taking place.

There are no suspects being sought and the sheriff’s office does not believe there is any further threat to the general public.



Double Murder/Suicide – Killed – Akesia Jones (Louisburg, NC)

Akesia Jones1

A preliminary autopsy report suggests that Ricky Junior Toney, one of the suspects in a Dec. 31 double homicide in Franklin County, died of a self-inflicted wound, according to Warren County Sheriff Johnny Williams.

Toney, 34, and his brother, Joey Lamont Kearney, 16, both of Franklin County, led law enforcement officers on a manhunt that covered areas of Franklin and Vance counties before ending in southwestern Warren County.

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was called to a residence on West River Road in Franklinton at 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 31 to the scene of what was believed to be a domestic dispute. According to the sheriff office’s report, there was no answer at the door when deputies arrived. Deputies were able to enter the residence through an unsecured door and found broken glass on the bedroom floor, blood pooling at the base of the bathroom door, and a mirror in the bathroom that appeared to have been shattered by a gunshot.

According to the report, the bodies of a woman and her teenage daughter were found in the bathroom. They later were identified as Akesia Michelle Toney, 37, Ricky Junior Toney’s estranged wife, and Brianna Nicole Jones, 16.













Double Murder/Suicide – Killed – Female Teen – Brianna Jones (Louisburg, NC)

Brianna Jones1

A preliminary autopsy report suggests that Ricky Junior Toney, one of the suspects in a Dec. 31 double homicide in Franklin County, died of a self-inflicted wound, according to Warren County Sheriff Johnny Williams.

Toney, 34, and his brother, Joey Lamont Kearney, 16, both of Franklin County, led law enforcement officers on a manhunt that covered areas of Franklin and Vance counties before ending in southwestern Warren County.

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was called to a residence on West River Road in Franklinton at 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 31 to the scene of what was believed to be a domestic dispute. According to the sheriff office’s report, there was no answer at the door when deputies arrived. Deputies were able to enter the residence through an unsecured door and found broken glass on the bedroom floor, blood pooling at the base of the bathroom door, and a mirror in the bathroom that appeared to have been shattered by a gunshot.

According to the report, the bodies of a woman and her teenage daughter were found in the bathroom. They later were identified as Akesia Michelle Toney, 37, Ricky Junior Toney’s estranged wife, and Brianna Nicole Jones, 16.













Killed – Damien Toney Jr. (Santa Rosa, CA)


A man was shot and killed early Tuesday in Santa Rosa, police said.

Damien Toney Jr., 20, of Santa Rosa was found on the ground in the parking lot of an apartment complex at 2001 Piner Road about 2 a.m. He had been shot in the chest and arm.

Witnesses testified Monday that a man shot dead outside a Santa Rosa party had been fighting inside with his suspected killer’s cousin just minutes before he was gunned down.

Damien Wadell Toney Jr., 20, was seen choking the cousin, identified in court as Paula Brisco, in the Piner Road apartment early New Year’s Eve, police Detective Andrew Riley said at a preliminary hearing.

The two, who had a child together, apparently got into a fight in front of about 25 other partygoers, Riley said. Toney was kicked out and continued a confrontation with Brisco’s cousin, then 15-year-old Joseph Mario Varela, Riley said.

Varela pulled a gun and shot Toney in the chest, police and other party guests said. Police believe Varela’s friend, Manuel Khiobouakham, 19, also fired on Toney.

After initially denying his role, Varela told police he aimed the gun at Toney just to scare him, Riley said. But he said he ended up shooting Toney when the older man punched him in the chin, he said.

Riley said an autopsy showed Toney was shot twice in the chest with two different guns. The gun Varela is believed to have used, a .45-caliber pistol, was found in a friend’s house, Riley said.

(01-03) 17:54 PST SANTA ROSA — A 15-year-old boy has been charged as an adult with murder in the shooting death of a man outside a Santa Rosa party, prosecutors said Friday.

Joseph Mario Varela was also charged with gun enhancements in the slaying Tuesday of Damien Toney Jr., 20, of Santa Rosa. Varela is beng held without bail at Sonoma County Jail.









Killed – Manju Gurung Poonmagar (Marietta, GA)


A Marietta woman driving home from work at a nearby store, was shot and killed early Tuesday, police said.

The woman’s car careened into a parked car at the Westminster Square apartments on Windy Hill Road, where she lived, police told Channel 2 Action news.

Police, responding to reports of a vehicle crash, found the woman in the driver’s seat with a gunshot wound, said Cobb Police Sgt. Dana Pierce. The Cobb County Medical Examiner will investigate the cause of death.

Police identified the woman as Manju Gurung Poonmagar, 37.

Pierce said police were called to the complex, located near WellStar Windy Hill Hospital, around 1:20 a.m. Tuesday after receiving a report of a crash.

MARIETTA, Ga. — Cobb County police have arrested a 26-year-old Smyrna man for killing a Marietta woman whose body was found inside her car.

Sergio Vera-Lule has been charged with murder and aggravated assault in the Dec. 31 shooting death of 37-year-old Manju Gurung Poonmagar.

The 37-year-old woman was found shot to death early on the morning of Dec. 31 in her car at the Westminster Square Apartments, where she lived.







Killed – August Golladay (Chicago, IL)


A 25-year-old man was shot to death in the Wentworth Gardens neighborhood just south of U.S. Cellular Field on the South Side early Tuesday morning.

The shooting happened about 12:30 a.m. near 37th and Wells streets. The man was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital and pronounced dead there, according to police.

The man was identified as August Golladay, and he was shot inside his home, authorities said. He died from a gunshot wound to the chest, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

Police said the man’s 67-year-old father was taken into custody and that he shot the 25-year-old during an argument.

A man has been charged with shooting his son to death early Tuesday in the Armour Square neighborhood.

Donald Galladay, 67, was charged with involuntary manslaughter of a family member in the shooting death of his 25-year-old son August Galladay, authorities said.

Police said the elder Golladay shot his son in the chest while the two argued inside a home in the 3700 block of South Wells Street about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, authorities said. Both men lived on the block where the shooting occurred.

August Galladay was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 1:19 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

Galladay was ordered held on $250,000 bond Wednesday.







Killed – Donald Eason (Baltimore, MD)


A 22-year-old man was fatally shot in the head early Tuesday in a drive-by shooting near Federal Hill, police said.

The shooting took place just after midnight in the 100 block of W. Hamburg St. on the border of Sharp-Leadenhall and Federal Hill. The victim, Donald Eason, was in critical condition and on life support Tuesday morning but was later pronounced dead.

Investigators believe Eason, who lived in the block, was walking along Hamburg Street when someone shot at him from a vehicle, Sgt. Sarah Connolly said.






Killed – Sierra Landry (Lancaster, SC)

Sierra Landry1

A Lancaster man was sentenced to 30 years in prison after he pleaded guilty Friday to murdering his “on-again, off-again” girlfriend last December.

Tanner Crolley, 19, also pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm during a violent crime, as well as a burglary charge from a separate incident earlier in 2013.

Crolley shot Sierra Landry, 18, once in the head on the night of Dec. 30, 2013. The pair had been in a “rocky” relationship for several years, according to both of their families.

Police responded to a shooting just after 10 p.m. at 1499 John Everall Road and found Sierra Landry shot in the yard. She was pronounced dead at the scene.










Killed – Anthony Price (St Louis, MO)

Anthony Price

ST. LOUIS • Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man inside his home Monday night in St. Louis.

About 10 p.m., a woman, 56, called 9-1-1 to report her fiancé, Anthony Price, 54, had been fatally shot in their home in the 5800 block of Terry Avenue by two unknown men, police say.

Price had been shot in the head and back and was pronounced dead at the scene, police say.

The woman told police two men entered the home with guns, demanded money and car keys, police say. She told police the men shot Price and left.

The woman was not hurt. Police did not identify her.

Officers responded to 5884 Terry on December 30, 2013 at 9:59 pm. A witness account stated that two suspects wearing ski masks and armed with unknown type firearms approached the victim and demanded currency and keys to the victims’ auto. One suspect forced Price inside the residence. Suspects then took the victim’s house keys and fled on foot in an unknown direction. Price was later located inside a bedroom with several gunshot wounds to the head and back. Price succumbed to those injuries.



Man shot and killed in front of his fiance’


Mass Shooting – Dead – Ramon Miranda (Fontana, CA)


Relatives discovered the bodies of four family members, including two children with multiple gunshot wounds, inside a Fontana, Calif. home after what appears to be a murder-suicide.

Police obtained a search warrant overnight and are continuing the investigation Tuesday morning at the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue. Authorities received a call from a 16-year-old boy who said his family members had been injured or possibly killed in the house, according to Fontana police Sgt. Doug Imhof.

“We located four bodies, two children, a female about 12 years old, a male about 10 years old, a female victim adult 35 to 40 (years old) and a male about the same age,” Imhof said. “It appears as though they all lived there.”

The victims were identified as 38 year-old Ramon Miranda, 34 year-old Silvia Miranda, 10 year-old Rayna Miranda, and 12 year-old Ramon Miranda Jr., according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office.

Silvia, Rayna and Ramon Jr. suffered multiple gunshot wounds, according to police. The man, Ramon Miranda, suffered a single gunshot wound to the head, police said.

At about 8:30 p.m. Monday, Fontana police officers were called to the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue, where they discovered the bodies of Ramon Miranda, 38, and Silvia Miranda, 34, and their son Ramon Jr., 12, and daughter Rayna, 10, according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s office.

Boy, 16, finds bullet-riddled bodies of his mother and two siblings after ‘stepfather gunned them down in grisly murder-suicide’
Bodies found in blood-smeared home late Monday in Fontana, California
Stepfather Ramon Miranda, 38, apparently shot and killed 34-year-old Silvia Miranda and her children, 12-year-old Ramon Jr. and 10-year-old Rayna
They were discovered by Silvia Miranda’s son, 16, who had gone to check on the family after he’d been unable to contact them
Neighbors reported hearing arguing before family was found dead



Murder-Suicide Suspected in Four Fontana Deaths










Mass Shooting – Killed – Silvia Miranda (Fontana, CA)


Relatives discovered the bodies of four family members, including two children with multiple gunshot wounds, inside a Fontana, Calif. home after what appears to be a murder-suicide.

Police obtained a search warrant overnight and are continuing the investigation Tuesday morning at the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue. Authorities received a call from a 16-year-old boy who said his family members had been injured or possibly killed in the house, according to Fontana police Sgt. Doug Imhof.

“We located four bodies, two children, a female about 12 years old, a male about 10 years old, a female victim adult 35 to 40 (years old) and a male about the same age,” Imhof said. “It appears as though they all lived there.”

The victims were identified as 38 year-old Ramon Miranda, 34 year-old Silvia Miranda, 10 year-old Rayna Miranda, and 12 year-old Ramon Miranda Jr., according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office.

Silvia, Rayna and Ramon Jr. suffered multiple gunshot wounds, according to police. The man, Ramon Miranda, suffered a single gunshot wound to the head, police said.

At about 8:30 p.m. Monday, Fontana police officers were called to the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue, where they discovered the bodies of Ramon Miranda, 38, and Silvia Miranda, 34, and their son Ramon Jr., 12, and daughter Rayna, 10, according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s office.

Boy, 16, finds bullet-riddled bodies of his mother and two siblings after ‘stepfather gunned them down in grisly murder-suicide’
Bodies found in blood-smeared home late Monday in Fontana, California
Stepfather Ramon Miranda, 38, apparently shot and killed 34-year-old Silvia Miranda and her children, 12-year-old Ramon Jr. and 10-year-old Rayna
They were discovered by Silvia Miranda’s son, 16, who had gone to check on the family after he’d been unable to contact them
Neighbors reported hearing arguing before family was found dead



Murder-Suicide Suspected in Four Fontana Deaths










Mass Shooting – Killed – Boy – Ramon Miranda Jr. (Fontana, CA)


Relatives discovered the bodies of four family members, including two children with multiple gunshot wounds, inside a Fontana, Calif. home after what appears to be a murder-suicide.

Police obtained a search warrant overnight and are continuing the investigation Tuesday morning at the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue. Authorities received a call from a 16-year-old boy who said his family members had been injured or possibly killed in the house, according to Fontana police Sgt. Doug Imhof.

“We located four bodies, two children, a female about 12 years old, a male about 10 years old, a female victim adult 35 to 40 (years old) and a male about the same age,” Imhof said. “It appears as though they all lived there.”

The victims were identified as 38 year-old Ramon Miranda, 34 year-old Silvia Miranda, 10 year-old Rayna Miranda, and 12 year-old Ramon Miranda Jr., according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office.

Silvia, Rayna and Ramon Jr. suffered multiple gunshot wounds, according to police. The man, Ramon Miranda, suffered a single gunshot wound to the head, police said.

At about 8:30 p.m. Monday, Fontana police officers were called to the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue, where they discovered the bodies of Ramon Miranda, 38, and Silvia Miranda, 34, and their son Ramon Jr., 12, and daughter Rayna, 10, according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s office.

Boy, 16, finds bullet-riddled bodies of his mother and two siblings after ‘stepfather gunned them down in grisly murder-suicide’
Bodies found in blood-smeared home late Monday in Fontana, California
Stepfather Ramon Miranda, 38, apparently shot and killed 34-year-old Silvia Miranda and her children, 12-year-old Ramon Jr. and 10-year-old Rayna
They were discovered by Silvia Miranda’s son, 16, who had gone to check on the family after he’d been unable to contact them
Neighbors reported hearing arguing before family was found dead



Murder-Suicide Suspected in Four Fontana Deaths










Mass Shooting – Killed – Girl – Rayna Miranda (Fontana, CA)


Relatives discovered the bodies of four family members, including two children with multiple gunshot wounds, inside a Fontana, Calif. home after what appears to be a murder-suicide.

Police obtained a search warrant overnight and are continuing the investigation Tuesday morning at the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue. Authorities received a call from a 16-year-old boy who said his family members had been injured or possibly killed in the house, according to Fontana police Sgt. Doug Imhof.

“We located four bodies, two children, a female about 12 years old, a male about 10 years old, a female victim adult 35 to 40 (years old) and a male about the same age,” Imhof said. “It appears as though they all lived there.”

The victims were identified as 38 year-old Ramon Miranda, 34 year-old Silvia Miranda, 10 year-old Rayna Miranda, and 12 year-old Ramon Miranda Jr., according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office.

Silvia, Rayna and Ramon Jr. suffered multiple gunshot wounds, according to police. The man, Ramon Miranda, suffered a single gunshot wound to the head, police said.

At about 8:30 p.m. Monday, Fontana police officers were called to the home in the 7300 block of Palmetto Avenue, where they discovered the bodies of Ramon Miranda, 38, and Silvia Miranda, 34, and their son Ramon Jr., 12, and daughter Rayna, 10, according to the San Bernardino County Coroner’s office.

Boy, 16, finds bullet-riddled bodies of his mother and two siblings after ‘stepfather gunned them down in grisly murder-suicide’
Bodies found in blood-smeared home late Monday in Fontana, California
Stepfather Ramon Miranda, 38, apparently shot and killed 34-year-old Silvia Miranda and her children, 12-year-old Ramon Jr. and 10-year-old Rayna
They were discovered by Silvia Miranda’s son, 16, who had gone to check on the family after he’d been unable to contact them
Neighbors reported hearing arguing before family was found dead



Murder-Suicide Suspected in Four Fontana Deaths










Killed – Male Teen – Allen S. Templeton (Cahokia, IL)

Allen S. Templeton

CAHOKIA • A St. Louis man has been charged in connection with the fatal shooting of a teen here earlier this week.

The St. Clair County State’s Attorney’s Office on Saturday charged Henry L. Davis, 23, of St. Louis, with first-degree murder. Davis had already been in custody.

Allen S. Templeton, 17, of the 4500 block of Harris Street in St. Louis, was found dead Monday evening in the 80 block of Circle Creek Drive at the Pheasant Run Mobile Home Park.

Cahokia police began investigating and called in the Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis for assistance.

A second man is in custody awaiting charges in connection with the death, police said.

Allen S. Templeton, 17, of the 4500 block of Harris Avenue, was found with an apparent gunshot wound to the head about 6:40 p.m. Cahokia police said they were called to Circle Creek Drive about 6:40 p.m. after a report of gunshots.





